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marketing a landscaping or lawn care company

Marketing Your Lawn Care and Landscaping Business

With spring time arriving, many of our landscaping clients are thinking about the season ahead and ways to attract new clients.  We would like to share some of these marketing strategies that are tried and true to bring great results.

There are many types of signs that landscapers and lawn maintenance companies may find useful. These include vehicle signage for advertising while on the job, yard signs at project sites to showcase your work and attract attention throughout the neighborhood, and metal signs to attach to the back of your trailer. Additionally, informational signs about services offered and contact details placed strategically at busy intersections or community bulletin boards can help attract potential clients.
We offer many stock lawn care sign layouts that are available for quick online ordering, or use your company logo to create a branded sign package that works for you. 

Get involved with local groups or reach to business that cater towards homeowners and local businesses. A good place to start would be  your local Chamber of Commerce. Reach out to local real estate agencies and private rental agencies that may need yard and landscaping maintenance at their rental properties. A high quality business card magnet that they can keep on their fridge or share with a friend, client, or neighbor will always be appreciated. Always keep these on hand, or in your company vehicle. 

Direct Mail
Using a direct mail service to reach out to homeowners in specific neighborhoods that you want to target. In your mailer, be sure to include images of your work, reviews from your clients, a link to your website, and all of your contact info (social media too!) The USPS offers  a direct mailing program that can target your local market.

Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting your lawn care business. Use social media accounts to build brand awareness with your current clients, and to attract new clients to utilize your services. Share photos of work you are doing consistently to tell your company's story. Showcase before and after clean ups using captivating images. Try to convey the value that a trusted lawn care service will bring not just to the homeowner or business owner, but to the entire community. Be responsive to all activity, inquiries and messages from new and existing clients, and share industry tips and innovations to help them to keep their properties well maintained. 

Remember, building your lawn care company is not just about self promotion, but also about building relationships with your clients for years to come!

Below are some products that may be helpful to get you started on your advertising journey.  If you have an idea, we can help bring it to life!

Stock templates are available for you to enter your info and let us do the rest!

Not feeling our stock options? Upload or create your own design! 
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