Security Signage for Safer Communities
Everyone will agree that neighborhood safety is of upmost importance, especially with crime on the rise in our communities across the country. Neighborhood watch and security companies are now more important than ever to protect our homes, businesses, churches, schools, and private property. One great addition to for both community watch, and both private and public security officers are security signs. According to National Crime Prevention Council, an active neighborhood watch brings communities and police together making communities safer.
Installing security signs or neighborhood watch signs on vehicles parked around the community, will help to create the perception that the neighborhood is being monitored. The security magnets and decals give curious suspects the impression that there is an active community security watch present in the neighborhood. This in turn may discourage criminals from attempting to commit crime in the area. Community security patrols with signs on their vehicles are a good way to actively keep crime at bay and keep our neighborhoods safer.
It is important that the signs be be clearly visible, easy to read, and in a prominent area for them to be effective. While signs alone should not be the only theft or crime deterrent, it is also important for all residents to secure their homes using locks, alarms, and reporting suspect activity to local police. Community groups on social media are also a good way to keep the lines of communication open within a community to quickly alert residents that a possible thief or dangerous individual is lurking.
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